人民币不会贬值 发表于 2009-9-20 21:53:00


<p>高人:</p><p>我在用multisim进行单片机仿真的时候,在编译器里面#include &lt;reg51.h&gt;和#include &lt;intrins.h&gt;头文件为什么不能打开。具体情况如下:Multisim&nbsp; -&nbsp; 2009-09-20 21:49:05<br/>------------------------Building: Project: CosimProject-------------------------<br/>Note: -E compiler option was not present. This option has been added to the compiler build command temporarily.<br/>Note: -O compiler option was not present. This option has been added to the compiler build command temporarily.<br/>Error: d:\MYDOCU~1\NATION~1\CIRCUI~1.0\MCUWOR~1\MCUCOS~1\COSIMP~1\M10COS~1.C : 3&nbsp;&nbsp; can't open include file "reg51.h": No such file or directory<br/>Compiler results:&nbsp; 1 - Errors, 0 - Warnings</p><p>谢谢<br/></p>
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