xiaoluxu 发表于 2021-10-28 11:33:38


liangmei 发表于 2021-10-29 09:04:57


LIQINGYUNDMTECH 发表于 2021-10-29 15:48:23


guyun 发表于 2021-11-1 14:18:29


zrh 发表于 2021-11-23 21:49:42

更热乎的21.9.1也出锅了。21.8.1生成的二进制NC Drill文件加工时厂家反馈有问题,试了一下,拿CAM350也打不开,生成的TXT格式没问题,看21.9.1也没说有修复相关问题。
Version 21.9.1 (Update 9)Build: 22 Date: 22 November 2021

38985Some bitmaps were truncated in the generated PDF document. (BC:13051)
42470The Smart PDF output did not include embedded graphics. (BC:17255)
45086An error occurred when running the Smart PDF wizard for a free document.
45924WMF and GIF graphics were not printed to PDF by Smart PDF and other tools.
46099When the revision of the managed sheet is replaced, the Annotation file becomes invalid. (BC:15715)
46176The Edit > Refactor > Move Selected Subcircuit to Different Sheet command changes the Unique IDs of the parts. (BC:16785)
46690Custom locations of cross reference parameters are reset to defaults after saving and reloading the schematic document. (BC:17084)
46734The page scaling in the Print dialog was displayed incorrectly. (BC:17058)
46796Superscripts located in multi-channels displayed the previous designator rather than the logical designator. (BC:17099)
46853Wires disappeared when dragging before using the Edit > Refactor command.
46906The Physical checkbox in the Component Designator dialog will maintain its enabled or disabled state until the software is closed. (BC:12819)
46977Changed the direction when adding additional ports and pins.
47055Wire names were not displayed in the tooltip in free documents.
44082Traces did not automatically change their width until a trace was placed in the flex region.
45841Values of alternate part parameters were missing for a design variant that is not selected. (BC:15365)
46209Error appeared when exporting a Parasolid file when the 'Export All Copper' option was enabled. (BC:15929)
46556The rotation column did not respect the comma and period separator change in the Pick and Place Setup dialog. (BC:15556)
46842A crash occurred after loading a stackup, saving the Layer Stack Manager, then returning to the PCB document.
46992No Net split planes were not detected in the Unrouted Net rule. (BC:12252)
47061Unnecessary controls were selected when using the Tab keyboard shortcut in some object properties panels (BC:11281)
47127Pads that were set to 'rectangular' and contained a hole size equal to its length were not displayed in the Drill Table.
47129Discontinuity occurred in generated STEP files if a bending angle contained a negative value.
47182Hatched polygon pour did not obey polygon cutouts near obstacles, which caused violations to occur.
47192Polygon pour speed was improved for complex boards with a big number of pads or vias.
47227The 'Obey Polygon Cutout' option has been added to the Polygon Pour properties.
47261Routing with conflict resolution on 'Push Obstacles' caused the software to crash.
46248DRC HTML reports were blank when projects were stored on the driver/folder with write protection. (BC:8575)
46974The size of the dialog upon closing will be maintained when the same dialog is reopened.
47120The Properties panel would update very slowly when using an SVNDBLib.
47199A typo in the Release Preferences dialog has been fixed.
47376A crash occurred with two open documents using a split-screen after resizing an unpinned panel.
Data Management
42690'Copy Folder Structure' command did not work in the Explorer panel. (BC:14829)
46494The project repository type was incorrectly recognized and the Make Available Online operation failed.
47203The speed of DBLib migration has been increased when migrating large libraries.
47242The "- Snapshot from " suffixes are now added to generated design snapshots to distinguish them from live (WIP) designs.
45878A DC-shortened net error occurred for net tie components with through-hole pads in the Ansys Exporter.
46865Added the ability to import Zuken schematic/part LCDB libraries.
46951The Measurements tab has been added to the Output Expressions dialog.
46952Measurement information is now provided in the Output Expressions region of the Simulation Dashboard panel.
46953The Measurements tab has been added to the Sim Data panel.
47364The option to switch on\off the calculation of measurements has been added on the Measurement Tab of the Sim Data panel.
47367The 'Always Generate Model Symbol for Manufacturer Part Search Panel Using Simulation Model Description' option has been added to the Simulation - General page of the Preferences dialog.
47457A model file error was displayed in the Simulation Dashboard panel for an IC component model when the Initial Voltage parameter is set. (BC:17342)

蕉下客 发表于 2021-11-24 12:13:31


zhjook 发表于 2021-11-24 13:33:52

蕉下客 发表于 2021-11-24 12:13

都这样,跟百度网盘 差不多,需要vip

zrh 发表于 2021-11-25 21:08:55

蕉下客 发表于 2021-11-24 12:13


zhjook 发表于 2021-11-26 00:52:29

蕉下客 发表于 2021-11-24 12:13

有的时候 稀缺资源 有的下就不错了,慢一点可以忍

蕉下客 发表于 2021-11-26 09:21:25

zrh 发表于 2021-11-25 21:08

页: 1 2 3 [4] 5
查看完整版本: Altium Designer 22.2.1 Build 43 x64 热乎的,又更新了