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发表于 2003-3-3 10:31:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-3 10:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
The day I got this book, I treat it as my Bible.
I put it in my bag every possible day and just look at it in my spare time

Now, I'd like to share some excellent Idioms to you. And I will pick up the phrases every day and share with you:

艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合征)AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
eg. Over the years, the practice has led to the spread of AIDS and HIV among blood
     plasma donors ignorant of the risks involved.

爱尔兰共和军 the Irish Republication Army (IRA)
eg. The Irish Republication Army threw the peasce process into new turmoil on Tuesday
     when it announced it was withdrawing a disarmament proprosal made only last week.

爱国统一战线 patriotic united front
eg.  President Jiang Zemin has called for further efforts to enhance the patriotic unit front
      of the Communist Part of China(CPC) to contribute to the overall development and reunification of the country.

“爱国者”导弹 Patriotic missile
eg. Patriotic missile were used to intercept Iraqi Scud missiles by U.S. troops in the 1991 Gulf War.

爱丽舍宫 Elysee Palace

爱鸟周 Bird-Loving Week
eg.  Bird-Loving Week are held every spring and autuma throughout Liaoning Province.
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-3 11:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
爱心工程 Loving Care Project
eg. Benefit both the president and the future, the Loving Care Project is consider a great undertaking.

安居工程 Comfortable Housing Project
eg. The departments concerned proposed the donation from the whole society to support the Comfortable Housing Project.

安乐死 euthanasia
eg. The Netherland, which has turned a blind eye to so-called mercy killings for decades,
     took a decisive step on Tuesday towards being the first country in the world to legalize euthanasia.

安理会 Security Council
eg. The UN Security Council will hold a meeting on Monday to discuss the crisis in the Middle East.

安全岛 safety strip
eg. The pedestrian enjoy more safety for the application fo safety strips.
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发表于 2003-3-3 16:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
I think that Safety strip is an old concept.
It was the suggestion of Zhou Enlai in 1950's in my mind.
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-4 09:46:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用潘骁在2003-3-3 16:36:15的发言:
I think that Safety strip is an old concept.
It was the suggestion of Zhou Enlai in 1950's in my mind.

Oops! Safety Strip is not an new concept, but it has been widely quoted by media.
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发表于 2003-3-4 11:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
Yes I think it is an abstract concept in this world now.Lots of old words are endowed with new means.It is normal and interesting.[em13]
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-4 11:48:00 | 显示全部楼层
Shall we call it "old words with new concept"?[em01]
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-4 13:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
按成本要素计算的国民生产总值 GNP at factor cost
eg. In 1997, private income amounted to 68.1 percent of gross national product (GNP) compared to 50.5 percent in 1978.

按揭贷款 mortgage loan
eg.  When granting mortgage loans to individuals, the pledged assets should be strictly evaluated.

按劳分配  distribution according to one's performance
eg.  The system of distribution according to performance is the reflection of labor value in the market,
       and the essential need of modern labor as well.

暗恋 fall in love with someone secretly

暗送秋波 make eyes at somebody; make secret overtures to somebody
eg.  Quite a number of unknown actors and actresses have their moment upon playing a role in famous directors' films; therefore, it is no wonder that many movie stars "make eyes at them" for a chance of cooperation with them.
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-5 10:15:00 | 显示全部楼层
暗箱操作  black case work
eg.  To stop the "black case work", the unit joining into the construction signed the
       Lifelong Quality and Safety Contract with the water-providing engineering headquaters.

奥姆真理教  Japanese Aum Doomsday Cult

澳门大三巴牌坊  Ruins of St. Paul
eg.  Nowadays, the Ruins of St.Paul has become one of the symbols of Macao, and also a tourist resort.

八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding----streamed glutinous rice with bean paste, lotus seeds, preserved fruit, etc.

巴勒斯坦解放组织 The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

八字没一撇儿 Not evern the first stroke of the character is in sight; Nothing tangible is in sight yet.

拔河 tug-of-war
eg.  After the conference, people enjoyed an excellent performance and played tug-of-war.
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发表于 2003-3-6 10:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
how much is this book?
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